Smart Aerospace: Aircraft device use-case
The ASSURED platform will be used to perform runtime security attestation of (selected) aircraft embedded device (constituent or holistic firmware update, ultra-secure operation mode, new data exchange schemes, new key distribution).
Currently, aircraft systems are making a marked leap by applying the cyber layer in software, hardware, infrastructure and on-board systems. Collins Aerospace (a United Technologies company) and UTRCI are the preeminent suppliers of such supply chains comprising several CPSoS such as Flight Management (FMS), Environment Control (ECS), Cockpit Flight Instruments (CFI), and on-board Wi-Fi systems, which are tightly interconnected, thus, forming a complex SoS-enabled ecosystem providing the execution of mixed-criticality services.
Development and maintenance of such safety-critical aircraft devices require secure processes and component upgradation, services that currently require human-control intervention; engineers, third-party vendors and airframers must collaborate during inspection and servicing.
Tracking, validating and verifying aircraft system functional safety and compatibility while keeping all components up-to-date and aligned with recent safety and security regulations, dictates the pressing need to transition to more automated processes capable of solving by design the different security and operational assurance issues currently faced.